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Help using routes and timetables

About the timetables

Routes and timetables include services in both directions, where available. Timetables marked as 'current' display times for the current week (Monday to Sunday), valid at the time of download. Where alternative timetables are available, validity dates are displayed with the route.

Please note that timetables do not include additional trips for special events or other short term timetable changes, real-time information, trackwork or any disruption alerts. For the most up-to-date times, use Trip Planner.

How to search for timetables

Service type What to search for
Service typeBus (regular, school, trackwork, special event buses) What to search forRoute number, e.g. 400, L90, 1A, 12T1, 16T3 etc

Alternatively, use Trip Planner if unsure of route name or number.

About route maps

At various times of the day, the route may divert or have a different stop sequence. The route map shows all variations throughout the day.

Use Trip Planner to view the stop sequence and accessibility information.

Check travel alerts for information about service disruptions.