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Lost, stolen or damaged School Opal cards and travel passes

If a school travel pass has been damaged, lost or stolen, you can apply for a replacement online providing the student still meets the eligibility criteria.

Use this page if your school travel pass or Opal card is damaged, lost or stolen. If the student still has a working card, you will need a different page.

Lost or stolen School Opal card

If you proceed with replacing your School Opal card, it will be cancelled immediately and a new card will be sent within 8 to 10 working days. Students will need to travel with a valid ticket while waiting for the replacement pass to arrive.

From Monday 24th February through to Friday 11th April, the usual $10 replacement fee will be waived.

Replace a lost or stolen School Opal card

Please note

  • The School Opal cards are for travel between home and school on school days only.
  • School Opal cards do not include travel to school excursions, after-school care, sport and other activities away from school.
  • If you try to use your School Opal card for unapproved travel the Opal card reader will show an error message.
  • For travel outside the approved times and routes, including school excursion travel, students should use a Child/Youth Opal card.

See Using your School Opal card for more information.

Lost or stolen rural and regional school travel pass

To replace a lost, stolen or damaged rural/regional free school travel pass, contact your local transport operator to find out the replacement procedure.