Safety when travelling by metro and train
Safety tips to avoid slips trips and falls at train stations
Don’t rush
Plan ahead and allow enough time for your journey. Don’t rush on platforms, stairs or escalators.
Slow down in the wet
Wet weather can mean slippery platforms, stairs and escalators, slow down and take extra care when it's wet.
Mind your step
To avoid slips, trips and falls mind your step in and around the station especially on the platforms, stairs and escalators, and when getting on and off the train.
Use the lift for your pram, bicycle or luggage
For your safety, please use the lift if you are travelling with a pram, bicycle or luggage.
When catching metro and train services, follow these tips and guidelines for a safe trip.
If you have accessibility requirements, read through the accessible travel information.
Safety tips
Plan ahead, allow plenty of travel time and slow down to avoid slips and falls.
Stay alert and don't be distracted by your mobile phone.
- Do not touch the metro or train doors, or the metro station platform screen doors when they are opening and closing.
- Stand back to allow passengers to get off the metro or train before you get on.
- Do not rush through the doors of the metro, train or lift, as you can get injured.
- Mind the gap when getting on and off the metro or train.
- Once on board, either take a seat or hold onto the handrail.
- Offer your seat to someone who needs it more than you. This includes customers who are older, have a disability, impaired mobility, are pregnant or travelling with children.
- Keep your head, arms and legs clear of the aisle when seated.
- Avoid moving between carriages while a metro or train is moving. If you need to, always take care.
- Never attempt to get on or off a metro or train:
- after the departure whistle has blown
- when the “doors closing” signal sounds
- when the station staff announce the trains doors closing.
- If you are concerned about your safety or others, move away from the danger into another carriage and use the Emergency Help Points to alert staff and listen for instructions.
- If you have a pram, use the lifts to get to and from the platform.
- When travelling with young children, hold their hands on platforms, escalators and when getting on and off the train.
- Always keep a firm hold of your pram at the station. Ensure the brake is on and the pram is parked parallel to the train tracks.
- Keep a hold of prams when on board as metro and train services can move suddenly.
- Never leave children, luggage or packages unattended on station platforms.
Plan ahead and follow our guidelines for travelling with prams and young children on public transport.
- On the platform, stand in an area covered by CCTV and close to Emergency Help Points. If travelling at night, stand where it is brightly lit
- On the train, sit near the guard’s compartment indicated with the blue light.
- If you're using a station car park try to park in a well-lit area close to the station entrance. Make sure all of the windows are locked and valuables are out of sight. Turn your car alarm on.
If it doesn't add up, speak up
If you see or hear something that doesn’t add up, speak up.
Call the National Security Hotline on 1800 123 400. If you are in immediate danger always call 000.
By reporting suspicious activity, you’re helping keep the community safe.
If you feel unwell
If you are not feeling well or you see someone who looks like they need help, use the Emergency Help Point or speak with station staff, or the train guard where available, and they will arrange medical assistance.
Please do not board the metro or train service if you're not feeling well at the station. We will be able to get help to you much quicker at the station.
In an emergency or evacuation situation
In an emergency situations it is safer to remain in the train and follow instructions from the staff.
In an emergency or evacuation situation on Sydney Metro please remain on the metro train and follow the instructions of either the Customer Journey Coordinator or the Sydney Metro Operations Control Centre.
Use emergency door releases on newer trains only if immediate evacuation becomes necessary.
If the train is evacuated, go to a safe place off the tracks, but stay nearby so emergency workers can locate you.
There are severe penalties for the misuse of the safety system under the Rail Safety Act. The maximum penalty is a fine of $110,000 or three years imprisonment or both.
In an emergency, call 000.
Safety tips for travelling on the Metro
Our safety features
Each Metro station will have up to twelve video help points. When the blue button is pressed for general assistance the call will be connected via a video feed directly to staff at the control centre.
When the green emergency button is pressed, the call will be prioritised and a trained operations control centre staff member will respond to your emergency.
Each metro train has 30 audio help points on board which are for emergencies only. The calls made via audio help points are prioritised and a trained operations control centre staff member will respond to your emergency.
Onboard safety and emergency procedures
Your safety on board is our priority. Our staff are trained in emergency and evacuation procedures to help keep you safe.
- Store personal items in overhead luggage racks to keep aisles clear.
- To avoid injury, passengers must not lie or sleep in the aisle or overhead luggage racks.
- When travelling long distances, move your legs and feet for 3 to 4 minutes every hour while seated and move about the carriage occasionally.
- Use specifically provided cups with lids and carry trays when consuming hot beverages purchased from the buffet car.
- Do not exit the train unless you are at your destination.
If you have accessibility needs and are likely to need extra help in an emergency, let our staff know as you are boarding.
If under the influence of alcohol or drugs, you can be refused entry to the train or removed by police.
Personal safety cameras
NSW TrainLink staff wear personal safety cameras, to help you stay safe.
Audio and camera images may be used by police.
If you see anti-social behaviour or feel unsafe, tell a staff member right away.
What to do in an emergency
In an emergency it’s important to remain calm and stay seated until you receive further instructions from staff. If you need help urgently, push the red emergency button. Emergency buttons are located on the wall at the front and back of every carriage. If you do not hear from staff, call Triple Zero (000).
In most emergency situations it’s safer to remain on the train. If you are told to evacuate, leave your luggage and belongings behind and follow instructions from staff.
- Police and transport officers regularly patrol metro and train services and stations.
- On Friday and Saturday nights between 3pm and 6am, Police Transport Command officers both in high visibility uniforms and plain clothing, patrol public transport to improve security and reduce crime.
- For safety, sit near other passengers at the station and on the train.
- If you see bad behaviour or feel unsafe, inform staff straight away.
- In an emergency, call 000 or use the Emergency Help Points to speak to staff for assistance.
- Emergency Help Points are located on metro trains and trains and at least one fitted at each station.
- If you need immediate help, please contact the police on 000 or talk with staff
Threatening, offensive or unsafe behaviours are not tolerated and fines may apply.
There are more than 10,000 CCTV cameras across the train network in NSW and more than 1,340 CCTV cameras across the Sydney Metro network, with 38 CCTV cameras on each metro train.
Some CCTV cameras are only used to monitor and do not record footage.
If footage has been recorded, you can request access to this footage.
More than 750 Emergency Help Points have been installed on the Sydney Trains and NSW TrainLink Intercity and regional networks, with at least one at each station. More than 130 Emergency Help Points have been installed throughout metro stations and metro trains on the Metro North West Line. There are 30 help points on each metro train.
If you press an Emergency Help Point on any station platform, you're visible on live CCTV and can get assistance from a trained operator.
If you press an Emergency Help Point on board a train, the train guard will assist you and contact the control centre or if you are on board a metro service the Sydney Metro Operations Control Centre will assist you.
A train security control centre operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and the Sydney Metro Operations Control Centre at all times when metro services are running, with communication links to transport officers, police and emergency services.
- Do not trespass on metro or train tracks, it is illegal and taking shortcuts can be fatal.
- If you drop something on the train tracks, ask train staff for assistance. Do not try to get it yourself.
- At metro stations where platform screen doors and platform barriers do not extend to the ceiling, do not place your hands or objects over the barriers.
- If you do drop an object over the metro station barriers, ask station staff for assistance.
- Never ride bicycles, skateboards, scooters or play with sporting equipment on station platforms.
- Shopping trolleys from supermarkets are not permitted on station platforms or on board metro or train services.
- Toxic, flammable and/or hazardous materials are not permitted on metro or train services or stations.
- Motorised scooters, bikes, lawn mowing or other equipment that have petrol motor are not permitted on stations or trains.
Threatening, offensive or unsafe behaviours are not tolerated and fines may apply.